Feb 14 2023
Grid utilities and editor tools
A suite of utility tools used to create grid-based games.
Feb 13 2023
Dialogue systems with Scriptable Objects
Using Scriptable Objects to make a designer-friendly dialogue system.
Feb 11 2023
Doodle displacement and lighting shaders.
A brief overview of some shaders I made to achieve a 2D doodle aesthetic with 3D lighting using Unity URP.
Feb 10 2022
Procedural Generation and Djikstra maps
Using cellular automata and Djikstra maps to generate/populate levels procedurally.
Feb 8 2022
Cinemachine for Rail Movement
A small experiment using Unity's Cinemachine package to imitate Nier's camera/gameplay transitions.
Feb 8 2022
Roads, Benzier curves, and mesh generation
A small tool for generating roads and meshes from a set of points using Benzier curves.